Hence, you can choose which side you want to fight on, depending on whether you want to help the rebel alliance or the galactic empire to be in control. Especially how other people can produce faster everything equipping skins on planets. Star Wars Empire at War aims to provide you with the complete experience when it comes to the Star Wars universe, by allowing you to play your part in the great war that plagues the galaxy. and get back! It’s kind of strange that there’s quests and events that have readings and a big buttons challenging how much out of 3 times in a event you can spent 20 dollars on dark matter. I do not like that it takes 30 minimal plus minutes to attack someone. I really don’t like that more powerful people can raid you with no cool down however many times they want to, with severe amounts of more power and glory points ahead of you.

BUT!! It is defiantly a pay to win, I have a cousin that’s been playing for over 6 years and is 14th place in one of the servers, little funny how he knows people who have spent over 8 thousand dollars on this game. I only grow more addicted by the day and can’t wait to see what I can improve. Well if clash of clans meet space and a wallet, this would be the game.